Time for Venice
This is our Taxi to Venice from the airport....we shall call him ? I dunno....

Grand Canal on our way to the Hotel San Marco
Rialto Bridge from a distance
The views were mind boggling and over loaded my senses
Labels: vacation
Hey Bella Nancy: I had no idea you were blogging from Italy - I haven't looked at your site in aeons - I'm so sorry. However, I shall make up for it now.
Firstly, don't think much of your taste in me - absolute rubbish - you can do much better - you seem as though you have a hint of desperation in your piccies. Get over it, find a Real Man. David's not bad :-)
Love your "view" pictures - very Italian don't you know? How about a picture that doesn't come with the guide books? The ones you're showing are lovely but very difficult for me to paint:-(
Having scolded you (lovingly) I hope you're having the holiday of a lifetime. We Europeans do have some decent scenery and food don't we? Have a wonderful time.
Mater x
Anonymous, at 8:23 AM
That's supposed to be MEN NOT ME!!!
Freudian slip there - naughty fingers stupid old me. I put it down to old age.
Anonymous, at 8:25 AM
Ahhhhhhhh, now we're talking, georgeous and the views of Venice aren't bad either!
Welcome to the other side of our planet. If it's all a bit much take a quick plne trip to Leeds and see Mater, she makes a great cuppa.
Sharon, at 9:06 AM
Love the pictures! Gives me inspiration to get out of our bubble on Maui and see another country. Have fun! See ya back on the tennis courts.
Anonymous, at 2:17 PM
A cup of Yorkshire tea and a sausage roll awaits any time you care to pop in. Now that would be lovely - unlikely but lovely :-)
Mater x
Anonymous, at 10:39 PM
Hey Mater...I would love to come visit you...u kiddng me?!
I have the bug now...can not wait to go back and play some more!!!!
Nancy, at 7:10 PM
The bed is made up and ready in the back bedroom:-) I had a go at painting your Rialto Bridge this a.m. in art class - v. difficult but a lovely subject.
So glad you've enjoyed your European tour and good that you've got the bug. Perhaps one day you will make it to Blighty.
Safe journey home. Mater x
Anonymous, at 4:49 AM
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