Ok everyone...meet Melinda...I have known her from High school..back in Glendale days.. now thirty years later we are off to Italy... so cheers...lets get on the fu*king plane!!!!

Fuk...eleven hours later, with out much sleep the night before, we have arrived! Here is the view from our room.

So after a shower, and an adventure to the Spanish steps we end up with the Original Soup Nazi!. No shit, we sit down, tired, and all this food, wine, show up at our table. No menus, No speaking...just lots of food...so great! no bill either, just pulled money out of our stash and said " Grazie"..um...ok?

Ah yes...this man is sexy...meet Tim-0-thy... Or...Tima tha (long A) just call him! hmm... good for a friendly chat about how our president Bush is " how you say.... Fucked up" ! Yes...this fact is known world wide.

Ah, the visit to the Vatican...and this is the photo I post. I dunno ...kinda like it. Puts accross a pretty clear message dont you think???

It is amazing the sights you come accross drunk at night looking for the Metro to get back to the room! By the time we found the Metro it was closed. And by the time we found our room we were sober! But this was amazing at night...ghosts all over ya know!

Yea...not sure what to say about the man with horns and keeping a list....hope I am not on the list!

So Mr. Ceaser...all you have left are some ruins and a famous salad?!
I went to his house today...what a mess! Pretty incredible really...Rome is an Awesome adventure so far...off to Venice tommorow...more posts laters!
Labels: vacation
Sharon, at 9:15 PM
Oh fine...I will see if we can do better!
geez....some peoples children!
Nancy, at 11:44 PM
Darling you look marvelous! Happy to see you're enjoying the sulfite free wine!
Did you see any pompino in treno in the way to Venice? Ohhh to see you face upon arrival in that wonderful city (small bridge of sighs from Makawao)!
Sharon, at 7:17 AM
The men seem to be scarce this time of year! What is up with that?
Venice was amazing! I was in awe the whole time...we should have stayed longer. We are in Rainy Siena now...waiting for 8pm so we can eat and drink ....
Having a blast...going to attempt a new post.
Nancy, at 5:34 AM
how did you like your hotel? where did you stay? We're going in November - loved your pics. the blog is short, sweet & to the point!
-shar81976 at yahoo dot com
Anonymous, at 1:21 PM
Thanks Shar-anonymous...
Nancy, at 7:37 PM
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