GP bought my Mum a gift from the "top 10 useless gifts in Italy" list. It was a fork with a battery in it, so the prongs could swirl and pick up the spaghetti therby avoiding blog psotings like this!
Time to update the profile, although my friend Sharons version was pretty funny!Let's see...grew up in Southern California, aka: as a valleygirl, like OHMYGOD.. Moved to the Oregon Coast after High was cool then to "Head Up North"
Loved Oregon but soon found it to be too wet and cold and after 7 years of putting up with the rain, moved to Maui with my boyfriend Jack (aka: ex shrimper/crab fisherman) 24 years later, married, 3 kids,a business and a home is good so far :-)
that was a fun dinner! yummy spaghetti!!!
Anna Lyn, at 3:05 PM
GP bought my Mum a gift from the "top 10 useless gifts in Italy" list. It was a fork with a battery in it, so the prongs could swirl and pick up the spaghetti therby avoiding blog psotings like this!
I'm ordering four.......
Sharon, at 6:59 AM
Sharona-you spelled postings wrong..not like you. Calm down, calm down, I know bad manners push your buttons...:-)
We even used our forks backwards!
Nancy, at 10:48 AM
Mater you can come over any time and eat at my house, but only if I can take your photo and post it on my blog afterwards.
Nancy, at 5:07 PM
that's the Benson's I remember!!!
By, at 6:08 PM
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