Time to update the profile, although my friend Sharons version was pretty funny!Let's see...grew up in Southern California, aka: as a valleygirl, like OHMYGOD.. Moved to the Oregon Coast after High School..it was cool then to "Head Up North"
Loved Oregon but soon found it to be too wet and cold and after 7 years of putting up with the rain, moved to Maui with my boyfriend Jack (aka: ex shrimper/crab fisherman) 24 years later, married, 3 kids,a business and a home upcountry...life is good so far :-)
WOW-Sylvie's a MILF just like her daughter!!
Hey-way better template, however your glam shot does not show up too well on comments. I vote the French fries back in!!
Sharon, at 10:10 PM
Merry Christmas mom, you look great!! stacy
Anonymous, at 6:48 AM
Thanks Sharon, I will let mom know that she is now an official MILF...It will make her day
Thanks Stacy...cept she keeps calling the snow man "good kitty"!
gotta laugh or you end up crying.
Nancy, at 11:44 AM
hey Mater-
Nice comments about my mom..she looks great in this photo, I love that she smiled for me :-)
Nancy, at 7:55 PM
This is a cute picture of her!
She also says 'good kitty' to her teddy bear. Your mommy's silly like you. =P
Anonymous, at 8:24 PM
Hey SupER Nurse....you like giving suppositories?, oh boy do I have a patient for you!
In the mean time how do you cure a sore throat in a day without butt meds?!
Sharon, at 8:21 AM
Hey Super Nurse...Jay is not dying..why do you keep giving him mouth to mouth??
Nancy, at 7:01 PM
Sharon, nothing makes a sore throat feel better than a handful like Halls Fruit Breezers! Eat them like candy! :)
And Nancy, Jay is a speshal boy who gets speshal treatment! Haha!
Anonymous, at 10:53 PM
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