Time to update the profile, although my friend Sharons version was pretty funny!Let's see...grew up in Southern California, aka: as a valleygirl, like OHMYGOD.. Moved to the Oregon Coast after High School..it was cool then to "Head Up North"
Loved Oregon but soon found it to be too wet and cold and after 7 years of putting up with the rain, moved to Maui with my boyfriend Jack (aka: ex shrimper/crab fisherman) 24 years later, married, 3 kids,a business and a home upcountry...life is good so far :-)
Oh that is really funny! She is a
cute little Philipino girl.
Nancy, at 3:27 PM
This is the background you picked?! Hey this is twice now you've been mistaken for Jay's girlfriend-funny.
Sharon, at 3:47 PM
I am still searching on the back ground...but I had to loose the pink...at least I can think now.
Nancy, at 6:36 PM
poor jay to have his girlfriend look like mom. some kind of freud going on there. stacy
Anonymous, at 4:48 PM
haha, nancy and i are haaaawt!
Anonymous, at 6:27 PM
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