Tuesday Tennis Addicts....

So now you know what I do with my afterhours... I hang out with some crazy and wild tennis addicts. High winds...That is what the wind screens are for...But the rain....Well, it sent us all home with out our full fix...Look what happens to Allegra with out her full tennis fix! Yes, Yes her name sounds like a medication you take for your sinus problems, but don't mention that around her...It makes her mad. Then we have Maddie looking all innocent, she may be petite, but she hits a mean ball...It is that New Jersey attitude, so forgetaboutit! And our local gal Cheryl...Silent but deadly on the courts...I am sure she was wondering how she ended up with all of us Haoles...
Hey Mater-
Allegra is the silly one up front and personal, Maddie is in the middle wishing she was somewhere else, and Cheryl is our dark skinned babe, trying to think of a polite way to leave the court to get out of this photo shoot :-)
Nancy, at 11:48 AM
aw thanks mater...I knew I liked you best :-)
Nancy, at 6:30 PM
haha, silly haoles!!!
Anna Lyn, at 6:06 PM
hey super nurse wannabe...feed the cat!
Nancy, at 5:21 PM
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